Domestic violence is a cruel and
dreadful disease happening at home. There are many cause that lead to this.
Income is the beauty of the family, family’s health, and it is also a defense
system of the family’s disease but when the income of a family dramatically
jumps down and collides with the expense rate. In this meanwhile violence can
be erupted as an opportunist disease to the family physical. Secondly, over-drinking is also a symptom to the violence. Alcohol in the drink will take
control on drinker’s brain. So after drinking, it can be equated that drinker’s
the solider and alcohol is the commander that command its subordinator to do
all kinds of non-sense things in the family that it is likened as a hot battle.
This internal argument weakens and succumbs all family guards. It can kill or
split up the relationship, and finally it leaves sorrow behind. This kind of
disease is should be avoided, and I believe that no one take Alcohol as a