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An adverb is a word that describes a verb. It tells you about an action, or the way something is done. A lot of adverbs end in -ly.
beautiful - beautifully
brave - bravely
bright - brightly
fierce - fiercely
happy - happily
heavy - heavily
loud - loudly
peaceful - peacefully
slow - slowly
sound - soundly
sweet - sweetly
The dog is barking fiercely.
Alice skated beautifully.
The Prince and the Princess lived happily ever after.
The birds are singing sweetly.
It is raining heavily.
The dog and the cat live together peacefully.
The soldiers fought bravely.
The sun is shining brightly.
The old man walked slowly.
They laughed loudly.
The baby is sleeping soundly.
Many adverbs are made by adding –ly to adjectives. Some adverbs describe the way something is done. They are called adverbs of manner.
Adjective - Adverb
careless - carelessly
cheap - cheaply
clear - clearly
close - closely
correct - correctly
different - differently
playful - playfully
safe - safely
selfish - selfishly
skillful - skillfully
smart - smartly
Please write legibly.
Please speak clearly.
Look closely at these footprints.
You have all answered correctly.
You can shop cheaply at this store.
Jamal dressed smartly for the party.
Maria is behaving selfishly.
The man drove carelessly.
The twins liked to dress differently.
She played skillfully.
The driver braked suddenly.
The parcel arrived safely.
The dog jumped up playfully.
Some adverbs describe when something happens.
They are called adverbs of time.
He often swims in the evening.
Lisa is always cheerful.
Sometimes I ride my bike to school.
Everyone arrived early.
David arrived late.
It’s snowing again.
The mother bird started to build her nest yesterday.
She is continuing to build it today.
She will finish it tomorrow.
John’s shoes were too big for him last year.
They fit him this year.
They will be too small for him next year.
It rained last night.
The weather is fine this morning.
Can I do my work later?
No, do it now.
Paul has just arrived.
Some adverbs tell you where something happens. They are called adverbs of place.
Mom and Dad are watching television upstairs.
The children are playing downstairs.
It’s raining. Let’s go inside. Rex, you can stay outside.
Come here!
Please put the books there.
The workers are moving the rubbish away.
The miners are working underground.
They are going abroad to study.
There are trees everywhere.
Alice lived next door.
Where’s Shamika?

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