Here are some more verbs that are usually followed by the gerund.
deny: He denied committing the crime.
mention: He mentioned going to that college.
imagine: He imagines working there one day.
tolerate: I tolerated her talking.
understand: I understand his quitting.
involve: The job involves travelling to Japan once a month.
complete: He completed renovating the house.
report: He reported her stealing the money.
anticipate: I anticipated arriving late.
recall: Tom recalled using his credit card at the store.
And here are some more verbs followed by 'to' and the infinitive.
expect*: They expect to arrive early / they expect Julie to arrive early
intend: We intend to visit you next spring.
pretend: The child pretended to be a monster.
refuse: The guard refused to let them enter the building.
tend: He tends to be a little shy.
would prefer*: I'd prefer to do it / I'd prefer him to do it.
deserve: He deserves to go to jail.
appear: His health appeared to be better.
arrange: Naomi arranged to stay with her cousin in Miami.
claim: She claimed to be a princess.
*We can use an object before the infinitive with these verbs.