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My favorite person is my uncle. He is living alone at the end of village and he’s not yet married. Firstly, he is a handsome man in my idea. He is taller than me but shorter than my father. His face looks so cute, especially when he smiles to me and talk with me. He speaks one by one in a clear manner that’s easy to listen. He has black straight hair, yellow skin, big ear, thick eyebrows, small dark eye, big nose, far lip, white teeth. Secondly, he is a kind person and friendly. Because when he meets other people he always smiles, and ask something to the person he meets. He always tells funny stories in order to make someone around him laugh. He’s serious when he works; as a result, he’s always successful in his job. Another thing is that he always helps someone when they’re in troubles. When I have problem he always motivates me at all times. In his free time, he likes walking his dog along the garden. Everyone likes and love him. I will follow him in order to a good person in society.

Written By Saren Chem, MBA

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